Braque du Bourbonnais


Version Française

The standard of a breed is its backbone.
It must remain immutable so that the selection remains effective (in the long term) by respecting the work of our old. The only changes which can intervene relate to defects which would bring a harmful effect recognized by the zootechnical commission of the S.C.C.

Extract from a TV show dedicated to the braque du Bourbonnais broadcasted on "Seasons" channel in 2000 (Directed by Cécile Iordanoff), here is an illustrated explanation of the standard by Michel Comte:

<-- Click on this image to see the animation

The braque du Bourbonnais standard was adopted by all the members of the CBB in 1925, and approved by the SCC. Here it is:

1925 standard

When the CBB was recreated in 1981, the 1925 standard couldn't be taken as it was. This is because the FCI wanted an harmonization of the breed standards, since its Jerusalem meeting where it had adopted the "Jerusalem template". This template's goal was to make the different breeds description more homogeneous, hence more readable.

1- Two colors were defined instead of using a bunch of hues. According to the thesis elaborated by professor Denis for the S.C.C., those two colors were defined as:

- "fawn"/"peach blossom" (S.C.C. color code 50 00 00 0 0 420)

- "liver"/"wine dregs"/"faded lilac" (S.C.C. color code 20 00 00 0 0 410)

2- Then, the envoys of the SCC measured dogs from different kennels before deciding of the sizes to put in the standard. Those sizes differed a little bit from the original sizes (the sire size went from 50-58cm to 51-57cm and the bitch size went from 48-54cm to 48-55cm).

3- The term "chien de fusil" (="curled up") to speak of the back part of the bourbonnais was removed because it was considered as a default.

Here is the standard as it was adopted by the general assembly of the C.B.B. in 1991, recognized by the S.C.C. and published in the bulletin number 37:

1991 standard in french

1991 standard in english

In 1998, the Dr J.-M. Paschoud formated it without asking anybody and added some errors which are still there. Here are those errors:

1- The naturalist Aldrovandi becomes Aldovrandi
2- The color codes disappear
3- In the defaults:
a- "cranio-facial linestoo converging" becomes "cranio-facial linesslightly converging"
b-"Nasal bridge...very convex" becomes " Nasal bridge...convex "
c- The black nose is not anymore an eliminating fault
d- "Under- or overshot mouth of more than 2mm." becomes "Under- or overshot mouth of more than 2cm."

Here is the standard adopted by the F.C.I.:

Standard 179 - French

In 1998, the standard, translated in different languages, was published on the web. Here are a few translations:

Standard 179 - English
Standard 179 - German
Standard 179 - Spanish
Standard 179 - Italian
Standard 179 - português
Standard 179 - Slovene
Standard 179 - Finnish
Standard 179 - Polish

And then, here is the working standard adopted by the club in 1985:

Working standard

Working standard (in Spanish)