Braque du Bourbonnais
Club du braque du bourbonnais: year 2003
President: Alain Picot
Vice President: Guy Tempête
Secretary General: José Gouttepifre,
Vice Secretary Generale: Nicole Mallet. Treasurer: Dominique Vessella,
Vice Treasurer: André Charmaillac
Spring Field Trial of the CBB(Luisetaines, 15th of March)
Interclubs Field Trial (braque du Bourbonnais, braque d'Auvergne, braque hongrois, braque portugais, Luisetaines, 16th of March)
Natural Ability Test of the CBB(La Cavalerie, 29th of June)
National Specialty(Meillant, 20th of July, judge: Riva)
Bulletin nb 53: