President: Michel Comte
Vice Presidents: Noël Benoit, Charles Combanaire
Secretary General: Jean-Paul Buot, Vice Secretary General: Jean-Pierre
Petit, Trésorière: Françoise Sarret
Spring Field Trial of the CBB(Loudes, near Le Puy en Velay, 16th
Mrach, judges: Combanaire and Comte)
National Specialty(Néris-les-Bains, 23rd of August, judges: Lestienne, assessors: Combanaire and Comte,
preliminary exam: Picot, Desnoyer and Rocheboeuf)
Summer Field Trial and Natural Ability Test of the CBB(Charroux, 24th
August, judges: Combanaire, Comte and Sénéchal)
Summer interclubs Field Trial of the CBB(Loudes, near Le Puy en Velay, 25th
August, judges: Comte, Le Tinnier and Lempereur)
Autumn interclubs Field Trial of the CBB(Braque hongrois, Drathaar, braque du Bourbonnais, Tonnay-Charente, 21st
September, judges: Malapert and Santoire)
Affiliation of the CBB to the Société Centrale Canine( 1st
Autumn Field Trial of the CBB(Espeluche, 24th of November)