Braque du Bourbonnais

Initiation Field Trial of the C.B.B., Charroux, 1983

Version française

The 12th of November 1983 Judges M. Lempereur, Combanaire and Comte

Contest A (10 dogs) - Juge M. Lempereur

1st Excellent:Tr Ravaude (breeder Mercier, owner Petit)
Very efficient, very good style, quite fast, very good point, Excellent. retrieval, sober presentation.

2nd Excellent: Teck du Rocher des Jastres (breeder and owner Comte) Excellent presentation, fast. pointing, some problems with the retrieval, 2nd Excellent. point, proof of nose and passion.

3rd Excellent : Piruit (Titre Initial, owner Mercier)
Two very goog points, Excellent. retrieval; handicaped by her mamelles for the speed.

4th Very good : Skira du Rocher des Jastres (breeder Comte, owner Sarret)
Quite fast, efficient, initiative and passion, point a little bit short.

Contest B (10 dogs) - Judge M. Combanaire

1st Excellent :Tr Rocky de la Vallée de Canbière (breeder Poma, owner Ceccantini-Buot)
It is an exeptional dog, sure of himself, with a fine nose, hunting intelligence, do a show on two pheasants. Note 19/20 that I almost never give. (Rocky doesn't go to the final because his owner, living very far, leaves early).

2nd Excellent : Tr Ch B Pink du Rocher des Jastres (breeder Comte, owner Régis)
Great qualities, class, brio, great nose despite a few controls on the ground, Excellent. point managed and blocked; everything one needs to win.

3rd Very Good Tching (breeder Mercier, owner Largot)
Good nose, nice searches, a very good point
(to be noticed that in this contest, Tr Luron du Rocher des Jastres, a limb wounded is removed by his driver).

Contest C (10 dogs) - Judge M. Comte

In this contest the youngest dogs have been gathered. It is why the lack of experience (dogs refusing to retrieve, runing after the game) make it impossible to give a ranking. Still, three subjects seem to have the aptitudes to be ranked one day, they are in order:

Tosca (breeder Mercier, owner Régis)

Uno du Rocher des Jastres (breeder Comte, owner Carmentrand)

Titus de la Vallée de Cambière (breeder Poma, owner Ceccantini


For the best style final, (judged by M. Lempereur and M. Combanaire), Pink du Rocher des Jastres wins against Teck du Rocher des Jastres and Ravaude.