Braque du Bourbonnais

Initiation Field Trial of the C.B.B., Charroux

Version française

The 16th of October 1982 Judge M. Lempereur

1) Pink du Rocher des Jastres: Owner and Driver Mr Régis

Very good pace, well in the style, in spite of the rather sharp air the dog carries sometimes the nose a little bit low (to be improved by special training); in the minute takes note of a young partridge which flies away. Still upon the unforeseen departure, goes up towards the bird which had landed in front of us and takes a stop at good distance, the bird flies, the dog is still wise during the take-off, very good retrieve sitting, started again, same pace, the search is a little disordered, short stops a young partridge, still during take-off, share shot, very good retrieve. Excel

2) Mousse du Rocher des Jastres: Owner and Driver Mr Barbier.
The first thatch is explored with fast pace light gallop, very good cross searches, excellent wearing of head, gives an indication and goes up the emanation to stop in an excellent style a partridge, still during take-off, runs during fire, excellent retrieve (gives to the hand after a little insistence). A second thatch is explored, the search a little bit short sometimes, the bitch giving some signs of tiredness, but starts again to stop a second partridge, still during take-off and fire, the bird is very well brought back. Excellent

3) Noan des Bugadiéres: Owner and Driver Mr Barbier.
Good pace, search a little short, good wearing of head, gallop in the style. Delayed many times on emanations and frequently puts the nose on the ground, the general pace is a lot slowed down by it, the ground is well explored but the laces miss width, as well as depth. Make a partridge take of without having blocked it, still during take-off, non shot. Started again same pace and style, takes a track which it follows the nose on the ground, a covey of wild partridges is put at rise without the dog marking the stop. Eliminated

4) Rif: Owner Mme Masson, Driver Mr Brunet
Young subject presenting excellent natural qualities, good gallop, flexible and light, very good wearing of head, searches rather long, twice goes up an emanation while galloping, makes the bird take off and continues under the wing. The second partridge was wounded, lands far in front of us in a ploughing, the dog indicates the dying bird at very good distance, advances at the order very wisely, stops firm in the vicinity of the bird and retrieves at the order very correctly. Very Good

5) Luron du Rocher des Jastres: Owner and Driver Mr Mercier.
Excellent subject, excellent pace and wearing of head, broad search, explores well its ground, energetic gallop, held lengthily without lowering pace, maintains its pace and end up blocking in a clover a running partridge. Still at take-off and fire, advances a little bit with the shot, the bird fallen far is well found, sought inside bramble, carry out a retrieve given in hand. Excellent

6) Tintin dit Théo: Owner and Driver Mr Sarret.
Young subject, very sharp, very active, shows an unquestionable passion for hunting, easy and fast gallop of a very good style, very good wearing of head. Because of its youth is delayed several times on places putting the nose on the ground but sets out again well at order. Still disordered search, goes up an emanation, stops, runs under the wing but brings the killed bird very well. Started again could have taken a second point. Very good

7) Lima du Rocher des Jastres: Owner and Driver Mr Carmentrand
Seven year old bitch, searches broad and rather well regulated, fast gallop, good wearing of head, along a hedge with good wind makes take- off a partridge which is landed in front of us, started again the bitch makes take-off again, finds well the killed bird but refuses to retrieve. Eliminated

8) Happiness Bulldogs Salluste: Owner et Driver Henri
The dog, still young, did not take advantage from a partridge well located in a thatch, makes it take-off while charging it, started again should have taken a second bird in edge of a road. The killed partridge retrieval is refused. Eliminated

9) Happiness Bulldogs Sabord: Owner et Driver Mr Lurat.
Refuses to follow its driver to the ground. Eliminated

Final phase: Dogs retained by the judge are: Luron, Mousse, Pink, Rif.

First couple: Luron and Pink
The two dogs show a very good pace, Luron takes a point, Pink stops a little and makes take-off.

Second couple: Mousse and Rif
Mousse takes a point, Rif doesn't make its best.

Final for the third place:Pink and Rif
From the start, Pink dominates Rif which only gives its best from time to time.

Final for the first place: Luron and Mousse
Luron shows a search definitely fuller and dominates Mousse. However in front of us this one blocks two partridges, still at take-off and on fire. At the same time Luron at the end of a lace on the left goes up with decision a emanation, blocks, and ensures a splendid point on two coveys of natural partridges. Still at take-off and fire.


First excellent:Luron du Rocher des Jastres

Second excellent: Mousse du Rocher des Jastres

Third excellent:Pink du Rocher des Jastres

Forth very good: Rif

Jean Regis and  Pink du Rocher des Jastres retrieving